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AGAPE- "Choose Love"

Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one's life for one's friends. - John 15:13

Our #AGAPE (Love) fragrance is the ultimate blend of fruity & floral scents infused with calming #Lavender & #Chamomile undertones that brings a lavishly lush feeling to your space & helps relieve stress, provide relaxation, and puts you in a 'LOVE'LY mood! ❤️

When used in aromatherapy, Lavender oil is a mild sedative that has a reputation for reducing stress by relaxing the brain waves, which is also said to reduce cortisol levels that contribute to the stress hormone.

As one of the most ancient medicinal herbs, Chamomile oil has historically enjoyed the reputation of being a cure-all. It is widely considered to be cleansing and to facilitate feelings of relaxation, which has made it a popular ingredient in aromatherapy. According to researchers, the aromatherapy benefits of essential oils are triggered by the intoxicating scents which have the ability to influence your mood. The mesmerizingly sweet aroma of this oil can help you relax, leaving you rejuvenated.

Infusing with the Rose Quartz crystal, it exudes energies such as love and compassion. #RoseQuartz is said to be very beneficial in helping to improve circulation, heal emotional wounds and encourage connection.

Disclaimer: Essential oils must not be used near the eyes, inner nose, ears, or on any areas of the skin that are known to be sensitive. They should always be stored in an area that is inaccessible to pets & children, particularly those under the age of 7.

Credits: Stone Info: Essential Oil info:

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